2006 г.
Операционные системы реального времени
И.Б. Бурдонов,
А.С. Косачев,
В.Н. Пономаренко
Препринт Института системного программирования РАН
Назад Оглавление
Список ОСРВ, упоминающихся в данном тексте, печати и в Сети
- ОјC/OS (J.J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel. Lawrence, Kans.: R&D Books (Miller Freeman, Inc.), 1999)
- AIX (IBM, http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/aix/)
- AMX (Kadak Products Ltd, http://www.kadak.com)
- Ariel (Microware Systems Corp, http://www.microware.com)
- ARTOS (Locamation, http://www.locamation.com)
- ASP6x (DNA Enterprises, Inc., http://www.dnaent.com)
- Brainstorm Object eXecutive
(Brainstorm Engineering Co., http://www.braineng.com)
- Byte-BOS (Byte-BOS Integrated Systems, http://www.bytebos.com)
- Cache Kernel
- C Executive
- Chimera (The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University, http://www.ri.cmu.edu/)
- Choices
- ChorusOS
- Contiki
- CREEM (GOOFEE Systems, http://goofee.com)
- CRTX (StarCom, http://www.starcom.com)
- DeltaOS
- Diamond (3L Limited, http://www.3l.com)
- dSPACE (dSPACE Gmbh, http://www.dSPACE.de)
- eCos (eCosCentric Limited, http://www.ecoscentric.com/)
- Embedded DOS 6-XL
(General Software, Inc., http://www.gensw.com)
- embOS (SEGGER Microcontroller Systeme GmbH, http://www.segger.com)
- EOS (Etnoteam S.p.A., http://www.etnoteam.it)
- EPCOSEK (ETAS GmbH, http://www.etas.de)
- EspresS-VM (Mantha Software, Inc., http://www.manthasoft.com)
- EUROS (Dr. Kaneff Engineering Consultants, http://www.kaneff.de)
- Exokernel
- Fluke
- Flux OSKit
- Fusion RTOS (Unicoi Systems Inc., www.unicoi.com)
- Granada (Ingenieursbureau B-ware, http://www2.b-ware.nl)
- Hard Hat Linux (MontaVista Software, http://www.mvista.com)
- Harmony RTOS (Institute for Information Technology, National Research Council of Canada, http://www.psti.com)
- Helios (Perihelion Distributed Software, http://www.perihelion.co.uk)
- HP-RT (Hewlett-Packard, http://www.hp.com)
- Hyperkernel (Nematron Corporation, http://www.hyperkernel.com)
- Inferno
- INtime (real-time Windows NT), iRMX
- IRIX (Silicon Graphics, Inc., http://www.sgi.com)
- iRMX III (TenAsys Corporation, http://www.tenasys.com/products/irmx.php)
- ITS OS (In Time Systems Corporation, http://www.intimesys.com)
- JavaOS 69
- Jbed
- JSCP – Software Co-Processor for Java
(NSI COM, http://www.nsicom.com)
- Kea
- L4
- LynxOS
- MacroView (VRT, http://www.vrt.com.au/products/scada/macroview.html)
- MC/OS (Mercury Computer Systems, http://www.mc.com)
- MetaOS
- MotorWorks (Wind River Systems, http://www.wrs.com)
- MTEX (Telenetworks, http://www.telenetworks.com)
- MultiTask! – ядро ОСРВ Supertask!
(U S Software, http://www.ussw.com/)
- NevOS (Microprocessing Technologies, http://www.mt.spb.su)
- Nucleus RTOS
- OS-9
- Palm OS
- PDOS (Eyring Corporation, http://www.eyring.com)
- Pebble
- PERC – Portable Executive for Reliable Control
(NewMonics Inc., http://www.newmonics.com)
- pF/x (Forth, Inc., http://www.forth.com)
- PowerMAX OS (Concurrent Computer Corporation, http://www.ccur.com)
- Precise/MPX, Precise/MQX
(Precise Software Technologies, Inc., http://www.psti.com)
- PRIM-OS (SSE Czech und Matzner, http://www.sse.de/primos)
- pSOS, pSOSystem
- PXROS (HighTec EDV Systeme GmbH, http://www.hightec-rt.com/)
- QNX/Neutrino
- Real-time Extension (RTX) for Windows NT
- Real-Time Software (Encore Real Time Computing Inc., http://www.encore.com/)
- REAL/IX PX (Modular Computer Services, Inc., http://www.modcomp.com)
(TECSI, http://www.tecsi.com/)
- Realtime ETS Kernel
(Phar Lap Software, Inc., http://www.pharlap.com)
- RMOS (Siemens AG, http://www4.ad.siemens.de)
- Roadrunner (Cornfed Systems, Inc., http://www.cornfed.com/)
- RT-Linux (New Mexico Tech, http://www.rtlinux.org)
- RT-Mach (Carnegie Mellon University, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rtmach/)
- RTAI (RealTime Application Interface for Linux from DIAPM, http://www.aero.polimi.it/~rtai/index.html)
- RTKernel-C (On Time Informatik GmbH, http://www.on-time.com/)
- RTMX O/S (RTMX Inc., http://www.rtmx.com/)
- RTOS-UH/PEARL (Institut fuer Regelungstechnik, Universitaet Hannover, http://www.irt.uni-hannover.de)
- RTTarget-32 (On Time Informatik GmbH, http://www.on-time.com/)
- RTX (VenturCom, http://www.vci.com)
- RTXC (Quadros Systems, Inc., http://www.quadros.com)
- RTXDOS (Technosoftware AG, http://www.technosoftware.com/)
- RTX-51, RTX-251, RTX-166
(Keil Electronik GmbH, http://www.keil.com/)
- Rubus OS (Arcticus Systems AB, http://www.arcticus.se)
- RxDOS (Api Software, http://www.rxdos.com/)
- Scout
- SMX (Micro Digital Inc, http://www.smxinfo.com)
- SPOX (Spectron Microsystems Inc., http://www.ti.com)
- Supertask! (U S Software, http://www.ussw.com/)
- SwiftX (Forth, Inc., http://www.forth.com)
- Symbian OS
- Synthetix
- ThreadX (Express Logic, Inc., http://www.expresslogic.com)
- TimeSys Linux/RT (TimeSys, http://www.timesys.com)
- TinyOS
- TNT Embedded Tool Suite
(Phar Lap Software, Inc., http://www.pharlap.com)
- Tornado/VxWorks
- TSX-32 (S&H Computer Systems, Inc, http://www.sandh.com)
- velOSity (Green Hills Software, Inc., http://www.ghs.com)
- Virtuoso (Eonic Systems, http://www.eonic.com/)
- VRTX (Microtec Research, http://www.mentor.com)
- VxWorks
- Windows CE
- Windows NT
- XOS/IA-32 (TMO NIIEM, http://www.nexiliscom.com)
- 2K
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