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1. Chamberlin D.D., Boyce R.F. SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language // ACM SIGMOD Workshop Data Descr., Acc. Contr., Proc., Ann Arbol, Mich., May 1974. New-York, 1974.- C. 249-264

2. Chamberlin D.D., Boyce R.F., Traiger I.L. A Deadlock-Free Scheme for Resource Locking in a Data Base Environment // Inf. Process., 74. IFIP World Comput. Congr., Geneva, 1974. Amsterdam e.a., 1974.- C. 340-343

3. Chamberlin D.D., Gray J.N., Traiger I.L. View, autorization, and locking in a relational database system // AFIPS Conf. Proc.: Nat. Comput. Conf., Chicago, Ill., May 4-7, 1975. Reston, Virg., 1975.- C. 425-430

4. Reisner P., Boyce R.F., Chamberlin D.D. Human Factors Evaluation of Two Data Base Query Languages: SQUARE and SEQUEL // AFIPS Conf. Proc.: Nat. Comput. Conf., Chicago, Ill., May 4-7, 1975. Reston, Virg., 1975.- C. 431-435

5. Gray J.N., Lorie R.A., Putzolu G.R., Traiger I.L. Granularity of Locks in a Large Shared Data Base // 1st Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Framingham, Mass., Sept. 1975. New-York, 1976.- C.428-451

6. Eswaran K.P., Chamberlin D.D. Functional Specifications of a Subsystem for Data Base Integrity. // 1st Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Framingham, Mass., Sept. 1975. New-York, 1976.- C. 48-68

7. Astrahan M.M., Chamberlin D.D. Implementation of a Structured English Query Language // Commun. ACM.- 1975.- 18, N 10.- C. 580-588

8. Chamberlin D.D., Astrahan M.M., Eswaran K.P., Griffits P.P., Lorie R.A., Mehl J.W., Reisner P., Wade B.W. SEQUEL 2: A Unified Approach to Data Definition, Manipulation, and Control // IBM J. Res. and Dev.- 1976.- 20, N 6.- C. 560-575

9. Astrahan M.M., Blasgen M.W., Chamberlin D.D., Eswaran K.P., Griffits P.P., King W., Lorie R.A., McJones P., Mehl J.W., Putzolu G.R., Traiger I.L., Wade B.W., Watson V. System R: A Relational Approach to Data Base Management // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1976.- 1, N 2.- C. 97-137

10. Gray J.N., Lorie R.A., Putzolu G.R., Traiger I.L. Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database // Proc. IFIP Work. Conf. Model. Data Base Manag. Syst., Freudenstadt, Germany, Jan. 1976. New-York, 1976.- C. 695-723

11. Eswaran K.P., Gray J.N., Lorie R.A., Traiger I.L. The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Database System // Commun. ACM.- 1976.- 19, N 11.- C. 624-633

12. Griffiths P.P., Wade B.W. An Authorization Mechanism for a Relational Database System // ACM Trans. Database Syst.1976.- 1, N 3.- C. 242-255

13. Blasgen M.W., Eswaran K.P. Storage and Access in Relational Data Bases // IBM Syst. J.- 1977.- 16, N 4, C.363-377

14. Lorie R.A. Physical Integrity in a Large Segmented Database // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1977.- 2, N 1, C.91-104

15. Blasgen M.W., Gray J.N., Mitoma M., Price T.G. The Convoy Phenomenon // ACM Oper. Syst. Rev.- 1979.- 13, N 2.C.20-25

16. Lorie R.A., Nilsson J.F. An Access Specification Language for a Relatiomal Data Base System // IBM J. Res. and Dev.- 1979.- 23, N 3.- C. 1-13

17. Kim W. Relational Database Systems // ACM Comput. Surv.- 1979.- 11, N 3.- C. 185-211

18. Gray J.N. Notes on Database Operating Systems // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.- 1979.- 60.- C. 396-481

19. Selinger P.G., Astrahan M.M., Chamberlin D.D., Lorie R.A., Price T.G. Acess Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Boston, Mass., May 30 - June 1, 1979. New York, 1979.- C. 23-34

20. King W.F. Relational Database Systems: Where We Stand Today // IFIP Process., 80. Proc. IFIP World Comput. Conf., Melbourne, Sept.1980. Amsterdam, 1980.- C. 369-387

21. Astrahan M.M., Schkolnick M., Kim W. Performance of the System R Acess Selection Mechanism. // IFIP Process., 80. Proc. IFIP World Comput. Conf., Melbourne, Sept.1980. Amsterdam, 1980.- C. 487-492

22. Chamberlin D.D. A Summary of User Experience with the SQL Data Sublanguage // Proc. Int. Conf. Databases, Aberdeen, Scotland, June 1980. Amsterdam, 1980.- C. 181-203

23. Gray J.N., McJones, P., Blasgen M.W., Lindsay B.G., Lorie R.A., Price T.G., Putzolu G.R., Traiger I.L. The Recovery Manager of the System R Database Manager // ACM Comput. Surv.- 1981.- 13, N 2.- C. 223-242

24. Chamberlin D.D., Gilbert A.M., Yost R.A. A History of System R and SQL/Data System // 7th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Proc., Cannes, France, 3-11 Sept., 1981. New York, 1981.- C. 456-464

25. Chamberlin D.D., Astrahan M.M., Blasgen M.W., Gray J.N., King W.F., Lindsay B.G., Lorie L.A., Mehl J.W., Price T.G., Putzolu G.R., Selinger P.G., Schkolnick M., Slutz D.R., Traiger I.L., Wade B.W., Yost R.A. A History and Evaluation of System R // Commun. ACM.- 1981.- 24, N 10.- C. 632-646

26. D.D.Chamberlin, Astrahan M.M., King W.F., Lorie L.A., Mehl J.W., Price T.G., Schkolnick M., Griffiths P.P., Selinger P.G., Slutz D.R., Wade B.W., Yost R.A. Support for Repetitive Transactions and Ad Hoc Queries in System R // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1981.- 6, N 1.- C. 70-94

27. Blasgen M.W., Astrahan M.M., Chamberlin D.D., Gray J.N., King W.F., Lindsay B.G., Lorie L.A., Mehl J.W., Putzolu G.R., Schkolnick M., Selinger P.G., Slutz D.R., Strong H.R., Traiger I.L., Wade B.W., Yost R.A. System R: An Architectural Overview // IBM Syst. J.- 1981.- 20, N 1.- C. 41-62

28. Date C.J. A Critique of the SQL Database Language // ACM SIGMOD Rec..- 1984.- 14, N 3 .- C. 24-31

29. Haderle D.J., Jackson R.D. IBM Database 2 Overview // IBM Syst. J.- 1984.- 23, N 2.- C. 112-125

30. Дейт К. Руководство по реляционной системе DB2.- М.: Финансы и статистика.- 1988.- 320 c.

31. Дейт К. Введение в системы баз данных.- М.: Наука.1980.- 463 c.

32. Ульман Д. Основы систем баз данных.- М.: Финансы и статистика.- 1983.- 335 c.

33. Date C.J. An Introduction to Database Systems. V.1. 4th ed.- Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.- 1984.- 639 c.

34. Date C.J. An Introduction to Database Systems. V.2. 2nd ed.- Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.- 1985.- 383 c.

35. Blazdell R.K. The IBM SQL/DS System // Relational Databases. Oxford e.a., 1986.- C. 39-46

36. Working Draft Database Language SQL2 // ISO TC97/SC21 N.1479.- 1986.- 117 c.

37. Ferrante L. A Comparison of the ISO Working Draft Standard for SQL and a Commercial Implementation of SQL // ACM SIGSmall/PC Notes.- 1987.- 13, N 3.- C. 28-55

38. Lindsay B.G. Object Naming and Catalog Management for a Distributed Database Manager // 2nd Int. Conf. Distrib. Comput. Syst., Paris, April 1981. Washington, D.C., 1982.- C. 31-40

39. Daniels D., Selinger P., Haas L., Lindsay B., Mohan C., Walker A., Wilms P. An Introduction to Distributed Query Compilation in R* // 2nd Int. Symp. Distrib. Databases, West Berlin, Sept. 1-3, 1982. Amsterdam e.a., 1982.- C. 224-231

40. Traiger I.L., Gray J., Galtieri C.P., Lindsay B.G. Transactions and Consistency in Distributed Database Systems // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1982.- 7, N 3.- C. 323-342

41. Williams R., Daniels D., Haas L., Lapis G., Lindsay B., Ng P., Obermarck R., Selinger P., Walker A., Wilms P., Yost R. R*: An Overview of the Architecture // Improv. Usab. Respons.: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Databases, Jerusalem, June 1982. New York, 1982.- C. 1-27

42. Mohan C., Lindsay B.G. Efficient Commit Protocols for the Tree of Processes Model of Distributed Transactions // 2nd ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. Princ. Distrib. Comput., Montreal, Aug. 1983. New York, 1983.- C. 76-88

43. Bertino E., Haas L.M., Lindsay B.G. View Management in Distributed Data Base System // Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Florence, Oct. 1983. New York, 1983.- C. 376-378

44. Selinger P.G., Bertino E., Daniels D., Haas L., Lindsay B.G., Lohman G., Masunaga Y., Mohan C., Ng P., Wilms P., Yost R. The Impact of Site Autonomy on R*: A Distributed Relational DBMS // Role and Structure. London: Cambridge Univ. Press.- 1983.- C. 151-176

45. Wilms P.F., Lindsay B.G., Selinger P.G. I Wish I Were Over There: Distributed Execution Protocols for Data Definition // ACM SIGMOD Rec.- 1983.- 13, N 4.- C. 238-245

46. Lindsay B.G., Haas L., Mohan C., Wilms P., Yost R. Computation and Communication in R*: A Distributed Database Manager // ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.- 1984.- 2, N 1.- C. 24-38

47. Lohman G., Daniels D., Haas L., Kistler R., Selinger P. Optimization of Nested Queries in a Distributed Relational Database // Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Singapore, Aug. 1984. New York, 1984.- C. 403-415

48. Lohman G., Mohan C., Haas L., Lindsay B.G., Selinger P.G., Wilms P., Daniels D. Query Processing in R* // Query Processing in Database Systems. New York e.a.: Springer.1985.- C. 31-47

49. Yost R.A., Haas L.M. R*: A Distributed Data Sharing System // Distributed Systems. Vol.II: Distributed Data Base Systems. Dedham, Mass.: Artech House.- 1986.- C. 462-476

50. Mackert L., Lohman G. R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Local Queries // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf. Manag. Data, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1986. New York, 1986.- C. 84-95

51. Mackert L., Lohman G. R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Distributed Queries // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Palo Alto, Calif., 1986.- C. 149-159

52. Mohan C., Lindsay B., Obermarck R. Transaction Management in the R* Distributed Database Management System // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1986.- 11, N 6.- C. 378-396

53. Линдсей Б.Дж. Опыт создания системы управления распределенными базами данных R* // ТИИЭР.- 1987.- 75, N 5.- C. 165-172

54. Gray J.N. The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations // Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Very Large Databases, Cannes, France, Sept. 3-11, 1981. New York, 1981.- C. 144-154

55. Haskins R., Lorie R.A. On Extending the Functions of a Relational Database System // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Orlando, Fl., June 2-4, 1982. New York, N.Y.: ACM Press.- 1982.- C. 207-212

56. Lorie R.A., Plouffe W. Complex Oblects and Their Use in Design Transactions // Eng. Des. Appl.: Proc. ACM - IEEE Data Base Week, New York, May 1983. New York, 1983.- C. 115-121

57. Meier A., Lorie R.A. A Surrogate Concept for Engineering Databases // Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Florence, Italy, Oct. 1983. New York, 1983.- C. 30-32

58. Lorie R.A., Plouffe W. Relational Databases for Engineering Data // Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Found. Comput. Aided Process Des., New York, Aug. 1983. New York, 1983.- C. 132-139

59. Kim W., Lorie R., McNabb D., Plouffe W. A Transaction Mechanism for Engineering Design Databases // Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Singapore, Aug. 27-31, 1984. New York, 1984.- C. 355-362

60. Hallmark G., Lorie R.A. Towards VLSI Design Systems Using Relational Databases // Proc. IEEE Spring Comput. Conf., San Francisco, Calif., Febr. 1984. New York, 1984.- C. 326-329

61. Lorie R.A., Kim W., McNabb D., Plouffe W., Meier A. Supporting Complex Objects in a Relational System for Engineering Databases // Query Processing in Database Systems. New York e.a.: Springer.- 1985.- C. 145-155

62. Katz R.H. Information Management for Engineering Design.- New York e.a.: Springer.- 1985.- 423 c.

63. Bancilhon F., Kim W., Korth H. A Model of CAD Transactions // Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1985. Palo Alto, Calif., 1985.- C. 25-33

64. Batory D., Kim W. Modelling Concepts for VLSI CAD Objects // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1985.- 10, N 3.- 1985.C. 322-346

65. Lorie A., Daudenarde J.-J.P. On Extending the Realm of Application of Relational Systems // Inf. Process., 86. Proc. IFIP 10th World Comput. Congr., Dublin, Sept. 1-5, 1986. Amsterdam e.a., 1986.- C. 889-899.

66. Dittrich K.R., Lorie R.A. Version Support for Engineering Database Systems // IEEE Trans. Software Eng.1988.- 14, N 4.- C. 429-437

67. Chou H.-T., Kim W. A Unifying Framework for Version Control in a CAD Environment // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Palo Alto, Calif., 1986.- C. 336-344

68. W.Kim, Chou H.-T., Banerjee J. Operations and Implementation of Complex Objects // IEEE Trans. Software Eng.- 1988.- 14, N 7.- C. 985-996

69. Bayer R., McGreight E. Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indeces // Acta Inf.- 1972.- 1.- C. 173-189

70. Кнут Д. Искусство программирования. Т.3. Сортировка и поиск.- М.: Наука.- 1978.- 844 c.

71. Bayer R. Integrity, Concurrency, and Recovery in Databases // Lect. Not. Comput. Sci.- 1976.- 44.- C. 284-291

72. Stonebraker M.R., Wong E., Kreps P., Held G. The Design and Implementation of INGRES // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1976.- 1, N 3.- C. 189-222

73. Zloof M.M. Query By Example: A Data Base Language // IBM Syst. J.- 1977.- 16, N 4.- C. 324-343

74. Stonebraker M., Neuhold E. A Distributed Data Base Version of INGRES // Proc. 2nd Berkley Workshop Distrib. Data Manag. and Comput. Networks, Berkley, Calif., May 1977. Berkeley, Calif., 1977.- C. 19-36

75. Кузнецов С.Д. Методы оптимизации выполнения запросов в реляционных СУБД. В этом сборнике.

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