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10.4. Таблица операций и субопераций NCP

Семёнов Ю.А. (ГНЦ ИТЭФ), book.itep.ru
Код операцииКод субоперацииОписание
23 150Get Current Account Status
23 151Submit Account Change
23 152Submit Account Hold
23 153Submit Account Note
Обслуживание файловой системы Apple
3501AFP Create Directory
3502AFP Create File
3503AFP Delete
3504AFP Get Entry ID from Name
3505AFP Get File Information

35</ TD>

06AFP Get Entry ID from NetWare Handle
3507AFP Rename
3508AFP Get Open File Fork
3509AFP Set File Information
3510AFP Scan File Information
3511AFP 2.0 Alloc Temporary Directory Handle
3512AFP Get Entry ID from Name Path
3513AFP 2.0 Create Directory
3514AFP 2.0 Create file
3516AFP 2.0 Set File Information
3517AFP 2.0Scan file Information
3518AFP Get DOS Name from Entry ID
3519AFP Get Macintosh Info on Deleted File
Аудиторские услуги
8801Query Volume Audit Status
8802Add Audit Property
8803Add Audit Access
8804Change Audit Password
8805Check Auditor Access
8806Delete Audit Property
8807Disable Volume Auditing
8808Enable Volume Auditing
8809Is User Audited
8810Read Audit Bit Map
8811Read Audit Config Header
8812Read Auditing File
8813Remove Auditor Access
8814Reset Audit File
8815Reset History File
8816Write Audit Bit Map
8817Write Audit Config Header
Работа с базой данных Bindery и операции доступа
2350Create Bindery Object
2351Delete Bindery Object
2352Rename Object
2353Get Bindery Object ID
2354Get Bindery Object in Set
2355Scan Bindery Object
2356Change Bindery Object Security
2357Create Property
2358Delete Property
2359Change Bindery Security
2360Scan Property
2361Read Property Value
2362Write Property Value
2363Verify Bindery Object Password
2364Change Bindery Object Password
2365Add Bindery Object to Set
2366Delete Bindery Object from Set
2367Is Bindery Object in Set?
2368Close Bindery
2369Open Bindery
2370Get Bindery Access Level
2371Scan Bindery Object Trustee Paths
2372Get Bindery Object Access Level
2373Is Calling Station a Manager?
2374Keyed Verify Password
2375Keyed Change Password
2376List Relations of an Object
Обслуживание каналов
19-Get Station Number
2320Login Object
2323Get Login Key
2324Keyed Object Login
2326Get Internet Address
2327Get Object Connection List
2328Get Station’s Logged Information
2329Change Connection State
2330Watchdog Interval
2331Get Connection List from Object
24-End of Job
33-Negotiate Buffer Size
8801Clear Connection Number List
97-Get Big Packet NCP Max Packet Size
Работа с расширенными атрибутами
8601Close Extended Attribute Handle
8602Write Extended Attribute
8603Read Extended Attribute
8604Enumerate Extended Attribute
8605Duplicate Extended Attribute
Работа с каталогами и файлами
18-Get Volume Info with Number
2200Set Directory Handle
2201Get Directory Path
2202Scan Directory Information
2204Modify Maximum Rights Mask
2205Get Volume Number
2206Get Volume Name
2210Create Directory
2211Delete Directory
2212Scan Directory for Trustee
2213Add Trustee to Directory
2214Delete Trustee from Directory
2215Rename Directory
2218Allocate Permanent Directory Handle
2219Allocate Temporary Directory Handle
2220Deallocate Directory Handle
2221Get Volume Info with Handle
2222Allocate Special Temporary Directory Handle
2223Map Directory Number to Path
2225Set Directory Information
2226Get Path Name of a Volume-Directory Number Pair
2229Get Effective Directory Rights
2230Scan a Directory
2231Get Directory Entry
2232Scan Volume’s User Disk Restrictions
2233Add User Disk Space Restriction
2234Remove User Disk Space Restrictions
2235Get Directory Disk Space Restriction
2236Set Directory Disk Space Restrictions
2237Set Directory Entry Information
2238Scan File or Directory for Extended Trustee
2239Add Extended Trustee to Directory or File
2240Scan Directory Disk Space
2241Get Object Disk Usage and Restrictions
2242Get Effective Rights for Directory Entry
2243Remove Extended Trustee to Directory or File
2244Get Volume and Purge Information
2245Get Directory Information
2246Rename or Move
2248Get Name Space Directory Entry
2249Open Data Stream
2250Get Object Effective Rights for Directory Entry
2251Get Extended Volume Information
2315Scan File Information
2316Set File Information
2326Purge All Erased Files
61-Commit File
62-File Search Initialize
63-File Search Continue
64-Search for a File
66-Close File
67-Create File
68-Erase File
69-Rename File
70-Set File Attributes
71-Get Current Size of File
72-Read from a File
73-Write to a File
74-Copy from One File to Another
75-Set File Time Date Stamp
78-Allow Task to Access File
79-Set File Extended Attributes
84-Open/Create File
85-Get Sparse File Data Block Bit Map
8701Open/Create File or Subdirectory
8703Search for a File or Subdirectory
8704Rename or Move a File or Subdirectory
8705Scan File or Directory for Trustee
8708Delete a File or Subdirectory
8709Set Short Directory Handle
8710Add Trustee Set to File or Subdirectory
8711Delete Trustee Set from File or Subdirectory
8712Allocate Short Directory Handle
8717Recover Salvageable File
8718Purge Salvageable File
8719Get Name Space Information
8720Search for a File or Subdirectory Set
8721Get Path String from Short Directory Handle
8722Generate Directory Base and Volume Number
8723Query Name Space Information Format
8724Get Name Space Loaded List from Volume Number
8725Set Name Space Information
8726Get Huge Name Space Information
8727Set Huge Name Space Information
8728Get Full Path String
9000Parse Tree
90150File Migration Request
Среда файл-сервера
15-Locate a Resource
16-Deallocate a Resource
20-Get File Server Data and Time
2305Get File Server Login Status
2312Verify Serialization
2314Get Disk Utilization
2317Get File Server Information
2318Get Network Serial Number
2323Get File Server LAN I/O Statistics
23200Check Console Privileges
23201Get File Server Description String
23202Set File Server Date and Time
23203Disable File Server Login
23204Enable File Server Login
23207Disable Transaction Tracking
23208Enable Transaction Tracking
23211Down File Server
23212Get File System Statistics
23213Get Transaction Tracking Statistics
23214Read Disk Cache Statistics
23215Get Drive Mapping Table
23216Read Physical Disk Statistics
23217Get Disk Channel Statistics
23221Get Physical Record Locks by Connection and File
23227Get LAN Driver
23229Get Connection Usage Statistics
23230Get Object’s Remaining Disk Space
23232Get File Server Misc Information
23233Get Volume Information
23234Get Connection’s Task Information
23235Get Connection’s Open Files
23236Get Connections Using a File
23237Get Physical Record Locks by Connection and File
23238Get Physical Record Locks by File
23239Get Logical Records by Connection
23240Get Logical Record Information
23241Get Connection’s Semaphores
23242Get Semaphore Information
23245Get File Server Extended Misc Information
23246Get Volume Extended Miscellaneous Information
23252Release a Resource
23253Send Console Broadcast
23254Clear Connection Number
Работа с сообщениями
2101Get Broadcast Message
2102Disable Broadcasts
2103Enable Broadcasts
2104Send Personal Message
2105Get Personal Message
2106Open Message Pipe
2107Close Message Pipe
2108Check Pipe Status
2109Broadcast to Console
2110Send Broadcast Message
2313Log Network Message
Работа с принтером и очередями
1700Write to Spool File
1701Close Spool File
1702Set Spool File Flags
1703Spool a Disk File
1704Scan Spool File Queue
1705Delete Spool File
1706Get Printer Status
1709Create Spool File
1710Get Printer’s Queue
23137Get Queue Jobs from Form List
Работа с очередями
23100Create Queue
23101Destroy Queue
23110Change Queue Job Position
23111Attach Queue Server to Queue
23112Detach Queue Server from Queue
23116Change to Client’s Rights
23117Restore Queue Server Rights
23119Set Queue Server Current Status
23121Create Queue Job and File
23122Read Queue Job Entry
23123Change Queue Job Entry
23124Service Queue Job
23125Read Queue Current Status
23126Set Queue Current Status
23127Close a File and Start Queue Job
23128Remove Job from Queue
23129Get Queue Job List
23130Change Jobiority
23131Finish Servicing Queue Job
23132Abort Servicing Queue Job
23134Read Queue Server Current Status
23135Get Queue Job File Size
01-File Set Lock
02-File Release Lock
05-Release File
06-Release File Set
07-Clear File
08-Clear File Set
11-Clear Logical Record
12-Release Logical Record
13-Release Logical Record Set
14-Clear Logical Record Set
28-Release Physical Record
29-Release Physical Record Set
30-Clear Physical Record
31-Clear Physical Record Set
105-Log File
106-Lock File Set
107-Log Logical Record
108-Lock Logical Record Set
109-Log Physical Record
110-Lock Physical Record Set
11100Open/Create Semaphore
11101Close Semaphore
11102Wait on Semaphore
11103Signal Semaphore
11104Examine Semaphore
Отслеживание транзакций
3400TTS Is Available
3401TTS Begin Transaction
3402TTS End Transaction
3403TTS Abort Transaction
3404TTS Transaction Status
3405TTS Get Application Thresholds
3406TTS Set Application Thresholds
3407TTS Get Workstation Thresholds
3408TTS Set Workstation Thresholds
3409TTS Get Transaction Bits
3410TTS Set Transaction Bits
Служба каталогов NetWare
10401Ping for NDS NCP
10402Send NDS Fragmented Request/Reply
10403Close NDS Fragment
10404Return Bindery Context
10405Monitor NDS Connection
Работа со статистикой
12301Get Cache Information
12302Get File Server Information
12303NetWare File Systems Information
12304User Information
12305Packet Burst Information
12306IPX/SPX Information
12307Garbage Collection Information
12308CPU Information
12309Volume switch Information
12310Get NLM Loaded List
12311NLM Information
12312Get Directory Cache Information
12313Get Operating System Version Information
12314Get Active Connection List by Type
12315Get NLM Resource Tag List
12320Active LAN Board List
12321LAN Configuration Information
12322LAN Common Counters Information
12323LAN Custom Counters Information
12325LSL Information
12326LSL Logical Board Information
12330Get Media Manager Object Information
12331Get Media Manager Objects List
12332Get Media Manager Children’s List
12333Get Volume Segment List
12340Active Protocol Stacks
12341Get Protocol Stack Configuration Information
12342Get Protocol Stack Statistics Information
12343Get Protocol Stack Custom Information
12344Get Protocol Stack Numbers by Media Number
12345Get Protocol Stack Numbers by LAN Board Number
12346Get Media Name by Media Number
12347Get Loaded Media Number List
12350Get General Router and SAP Information
12351Get Network Router Information
12352Get Network Routers Information
12353Get Known Networks Information
12354Get Server Information
12355Get Server Sources Information
12356Get Known Servers Information
12360Get Server Set Commands Information
12361Get Server Set Categories

Назад: 10.3. Стандартные мультикастинг-адреса Интернет
Оглавление: Телекоммуникационные технологии
Вперёд: 10.5. Таблица операций службы каталогов Netware

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